Supplementary Cementitious Materials (SCMs)
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We promote the use of fly ash and/or slag to replace cement content and improve the concrete’s properties and reduce emissions.
Recycled Concrete Aggregate
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To save on natural resources, we are able to incorporate crushed concrete or reclaimed aggregate to produce new concrete.
Partnering with CarbonCure Technology
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CarbonCure allows us to lower the cement content in mixes without sacrificing the workability, integrity, or compressive strength of our mixes.

711 Materials is proud to announce their partnership with CarbonCure to produce reliable, more sustainable concrete mixes that reduce CO2 emissions. CarbonCure Technologies, a fast-growing, clean tech company, has developed an easy-to-adopt technology that enables concrete producers to use captured carbon dioxide to produce reliable, more sustainable concrete mixes and achieve market differentiation. Available from hundreds of concrete plants, more than one million truckloads of CarbonCure-based mixes have supplied sustainable construction projects around the world.
CarbonCure is pioneering sustainability in the concrete industry. Their technology allows designers, developers, builders and suppliers the opportunity to reduce the carbon footprint in the use of concrete products without compromising the concrete strength and quality.
CarbonCure’s technology injects recycled carbon dioxide (CO2) into our concrete mixes just like an admixture. The CO2 is captured from industrial emitters, purified and liquefied, and then introduced to the fresh concrete, where it chemically converts to a mineral. This process, known as CO2 mineralization, improves compressive strength, which will enable us to reduce cement content of our mixes without sacrificing strength or impacting performance. This results in the same reliable concrete we always provide, but with a lower carbon footprint.
CarbonCure enables the production of the same reliable concrete, with a reduced carbon footprint using captured carbon dioxide. Every cubic yard of our concrete made with CarbonCure saves an average of 25 pounds of carbon dioxide emissions from the atmosphere. To learn more, watch this video or visit carboncure.com.*

An Environmental Product Declaration (EPD) report tells the life cycle story of a product in a single, comprehensive report. The EPD provides information about a product’s impact upon the environment, such as global warming potential, smog creation, ozone depletion and water pollution.
To view EPD’s for 711 Materials, please click the link below


"The care of the earth is our most ancient and most worthy and, after all, our most pleasing responsibility. To cherish what remains of it, and to foster its renewal, is our only legitimate hope."
– Wendell Berry
711 Materials is dedicated to maintaining the highest possible environmental standards at all our aggregate operations. We work closely with our neighbors and local communities to create open lines of communication to address any concerns or questions.
711 Materials follows environmental best practices that go above and beyond environmental compliance. We practice concurrent reclamation at our active pits to reduce the overall impact of the mining operation on the surrounding land. This practice allows areas immediately surrounding active mining operations to revert to a reclaimed, productive land use on a much shorter timeline than traditional mining and reclamation practices.
Our long-term goal for habitat restoration at our aggregate locations is to create stable, bio-diverse environments by using native vegetation and appropriate water management techniques. We operate in a variety of environments and assess each individual location to create a site-appropriate reclamation plan. 711 Materials has a history of preserving and protecting the diversity within and adjacent to its mining operations.